Teaching Your Child to Read – Bob Books
April 25, 2019
Being a mom is no walk in the park. It takes a lot of patience and sacrifice to teach our kids how to BE in this world. My top 3 most difficult, but necessary life skills that I have had to teach my children so far are:
How to sleep through the night.
How to pee and poop in the potty.
How to read!
Yes, teaching how to read is right up there with sleeping and potty training. It is HARD! Mostly because I am not the most patient person in the world and I like things to get done quickly. Learning to read is not a quick process by any means, but oh how rewarding it is when our kids finally learn how to read on their own. For them AND us!

My oldest daughter is currently in Kindergarten. Lately we have been really focusing on reading to get her prepared for 1st grade. During the beginning of the year she was struggling and not excited about reading. It was difficult and frustrating for her to not be able to sound out the words by herself. We took a step back and just read books to her while occasionally pointing out words to see if she could recognize them. Then, at her parent/teacher conference, her teacher suggested we do a little more at home to help her since she was falling a bit behind. She is great at memorizing and knew all of her sight words, but was having a hard time seeing new words and piecing the letter sounds together.
BOB books to the rescue!
We have been reading Bob Books every single night for 2 months. My daughter is now to the point where she can read them all by herself without much help from mom and dad. She has gained so much confidence with reading and has excelled tremendously since we made the push to read more. It is now a habit for her to grab her Bob Books before bed. We read 2-3 each night and it is so fun.
What I Love About Bob Books

These books are very simple. They are short, paperbacks with very minimal illustrations/colors. The text is easy to read and follow. The stories are so cute and engaging. The progression from book 1 up to book 20 is fluent and doable for young readers. It has been exciting to see how quickly my daughter has learned to read independently with the assistance of Bob Books.
The collections we have started with are Bob Books Sight Words (Kindergarten and First Grade) as well as Bob Books Collection 1: Beginning Readers and we definitely plan to get more! They will get used time and again with all of our kids.
Teaching our children to read is no easy task, but there are so many great resources out there! I would love to hear what has worked for you and if you are huge fans of Bob Books like we are! Be sure to follow me on Instagram @lifesprinkled to share your tips.