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Letters to and from Santa

My kids were so excited to write their letters to Santa this year! They knew exactly what they wanted to ask for and scribbled it on their papers. Princess Tiana shoes, crown, and dress is at the top of both of their lists. I sure hope Santa can pull it off!

I was excited to take my kids to the post office so they could mail their letters to Santa. Did you know there is a special delivery service for such letters? USPS has SANTA MAIL and it’s the cutest idea ever. Go here to see the full instructions.

Letters to Santa:

The guidelines were a bit confusing to me so here is the basic step-by-step guidelines that we followed.

  1. Write your letters to Santa and place them individually in an envelope but don’t seal.
  2. Sneak in a personalized response from Santa (we put it in the same envelope so we’d get both letters back). We printed off a template response USPS provided.
  3. Secretly write a return address in the top left corner titled “Santa, North Pole”
  4. Address that envelope to the child. Do one for each child.
  5. Add a stamp(s).
  6. Put the letter(s) inside another larger envelope and put required postage. Our large envelope only needed 2 forever stamps.
  7. Address that letter to:

ANCHORAGE AK 99530-9998

Put it in the mail and wait for the letter from Santa to arrive!

Be sure to get your letters in by December 15th so the elves have plenty of time to build their toys!

I love that this service exists. It was so fun for my girls to see their individual letters from Santa addressed specially to them. They are so glad Santa knows exactly what to get them this year! Let’s hope he delivers!