Mickey’s Halloween Party with Toddlers
If you are lucky enough to have tickets to Mickey’s Halloween Party then get excited!! Disneyland is always a good time, but Halloween is one of my favorite times to go. I don’t know of any better place for kids to trick-or-treat. And the best part is kids under age 3 still get in for free! Be prepared to get lots of candy and have a blast. Since your ticket is basically good for only a half day at Disneyland, below are some tips to get the most out of your party ticket with those cute little ones.
Halloween at California Adventure
One new thing about this year at Mickey’s Halloween Party was the ability to get into California Adventure from 3:00-6:00 pm (right before trick-or-treating in Disneyland starts). We definitely took advantage of this so we could check our Cars Land all decked out for Halloween! The scary faced cozy cone motel and Cars characters dressed in Halloween costume were some of my favorites. Luigi’s Honkin’ Haul-O-Ween was so much fun for our little girls.

Trick-or-Treat at Disneyland
After California Adventure fun we made our way to the Disneyland entrance to get our Halloween Party wristbands and treat bags. The bags they give you are great for young ones to carry but we brought a few large grocery bags that we dumped candy into throughout the night. You’ll definitely fill the bags they give you quickly! They hand out really good candy and chocolate, but also carrots, apples, and crackers which we loved!
Mickey’s House in Toontown
One regret we had was missing out on the party in Toontown. We walked up to it just after 7:00 not knowing that it closed minutes before! We heard it’s lots of fun for young kids to trick-or-treat at Mickey and Minnie’s houses. Toontown opens an hour before the official trick-or-treating starts and goes for 2 hours. You don’t want to miss it like we did!
There are so many delicious (not to mention CUTE) treats at Disney for Halloween. This orange sprinkled Mickey jack-o-lantern rice krispie was TOO GOOD. We definitely would’ve eaten all the treats if we weren’t full of trick-or-treating candy!
Frightfully Fun Parade
The Frightfully Fun Parade was short and sweet but fully of spookiness! Small children might be a little scared if watching too close. We didn’t get a parade viewing spot soon enough but I think the distance kept it less intimidating for our kids. Also they were so exhausted from all the trick-or-treating fun that they could barely keep their eyes open for the parade! Right after the parade they let off the amazing firework show featuring projections and animations on and around the castle. Be sure to get a good firework viewing spot. My husband and oldest daughter rode on Astro Orbitor in Tomorrowland during part of the show and had the coolest view in the park!
Mickey’s Halloween Party was a blast and we can’t wait to go again. If you want to experience it, be sure to get your tickets in June/July because they will sell out fast! Be sure to have your kids dress up in costume and go find the princesses and characters for photo ops and autographs. It’s a magical and frightfully fun night that your kids will always remember!
Check out some cute Mickey and Minnie attire for your babies and toddlers below!