Mom School
November 8, 2018
To any other moms who struggle with getting their kids to do homework…I’m right there with you and my oldest is only in Kindergarten! I decided instead of making homework feel like such a chore, I’m going to make learning fun at home. “Mom School” is now a new thing at our house that my kids have loved so far. If there is an afternoon when they’re bored, we think of something to do for “Mom School” i.e. sewing, painting, cooking/baking, puzzles, hopscotch, dance class etc…The list could go on. We still do the required homework but if we start with something fun first, the tedious stuff gets done a lot easier later.
Basically the idea of “Mom School” started because I want to still incorporate learning at home even though I don’t home-school my kids. I still get to be their primary teacher so I want to teach them all the things that I know and love. It’s also a great time to throw in a little math with cooking, alphabet with painting, and reading instructions with sewing. As they get older I’m sure we’ll learn new things together too! Here are 3 ideas of what you can try at home with your kids:
Bake Cookies
The first activity we did together for “Mom School” was baking sugar cookies. We measured ingredients together, learned patience with cracking eggs 😉 and made shapes in the dough. We also got to see what colors combined made orange, green and purple. It was an exciting science experiment! Of course, decorating and eating them was the best part.
Paint Crafts
I always pull out my stash of acrylic paint when my kids are bored. It may not be the smartest paint to use with kids (one shirt now might be ruined, oops!) but as long as I supervise, it totally works! I found some cheap wood Halloween ghosts at Joann for under a dollar. They loved having something to paint other than just paper, but that is always fun too! I love to see their creativity come out in colorful crafts.
Sew Barbie Clothes
My mom taught me how to sew and that skill has carried on through adulthood where I now own a small business making baby headbands. It is a great skill to have and I want my daughters to learn too. (Gotta put them to work to help with the side business – ya know? ;)) We’ve had a couple naked barbies laying around so I felt it was time to make them some new clothes. My girls actually loved learning to sew a lot more than I was anticipating.
First they went through my large stash of fabric and picked out their favorites. We had to narrow it down to one pattern each then went to work. I let them do as much as they were able. They used the thread clippers, pushed on the sewing machine pedal, and ironed the fabric. We ended up with some pretty cute velcro shirts and skirts for their dolls.
The clothes were simple but turned out so cute! Way better than naked barbies lying around. I’m excited to keep coming up with new ideas for “Mom School” with my girls. I’ll be sure to post more soon!
Below I’ve linked some fun crafts to get you started. I’m going to have to order a few of these to try. Such cute ideas and would make perfect Christmas gifts!