Becoming a Mom
August 13, 2018
I love being a mom! It’s the toughest job in the world, but it’s what I was meant to be.
Back in the day, I struggled through my teen years trying to figure out who I was while battling self-esteem issues as most young girls do. I thought I had a path figured out after high school that would finally give me validation to my peers in high school who saw me as a quiet girl. I wanted to prove that I could make it big. I’d move to New York, become a professional dancer and live my dreams. Getting married and having kids was on my list too, but I felt like I had to “make it” first by landing an impressive dance gig. I worked my butt off in college to earn my dance degree; I’d better darn well put it to good use! Well, I did move to New York the summer after college, but I only lasted a month and came back home. Fast-paced city life wasn’t the life for me. I missed the mountains and driving my car to get places (mostly to make grocery shopping easier. It was hard carrying groceries on and off the subway and only being able to buy few things at a time!).
I felt so discouraged coming back home trying to navigate a new life post college and figure out what to do next. 3 months later I met my husband, 9 months after meeting we got married, and about a year after marriage, we got pregnant. Life has been so sweet and I think I made the best decision to come home after New York, otherwise life would’ve taken me on an entire different path. As a hormonal teenager and self-centered college student, I don’t feel like I was ever super happy or content with myself. It took me some time to understand who I really was and what characteristics make me special. I’ve spent a lot of my life hating how shy and quiet I am, which really, now I see my “shyness” as a strength because I am a listener, compassionate towards others, and a thinker so I do feel like I have wisdom and think deeply about life. I don’t mean to brag, but this wisdom I carry means I’m always right, just ask my husband! 😉
At this point in my life, I feel as though I am at the most peace with myself. Motherhood is what I was meant to experience. I’m a good mom – not a perfect one, but I do give my kids all that I have. I have experienced the most pain and joy in the last few years raising my children alongside my husband. Though it is a thankless job more often than not, it is the most fulfilling role I have ever owned. I make mistakes, my kids and husband make mistakes, but together we are on this journey as a family to find happiness. This life is sweet and I’m so grateful to have found myself in motherhood.
Photos by B Couture Photography