Hello 2019
January 10, 2019
We are now 10 days into the new year and I am feeling really excited about my goals thus far. Since 2012 I have been either pregnant or nursing a baby and haven’t had much time to heal or focus on myself. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED being pregnant and able to nourish all my babies, but it definitely took a toll on my physical and mental health. Now it’s time to renew and replenish.
My main goal for the new year is ME! It’s time to be a little more selfish and take a little more care of myself. Realizing my family deserves the best of me means I need to do what makes me happy while still putting my children and husband at the highest priority. It’s possible to do both! Life is a balancing act, but once you figure out what sits at the top of your “to-do” list you find a way to make it all happen. We all have the same amount of time in a day but it is up to us what we want to do with it.
I’ve listed out some of the goals I have to realign my mind, body and spirit below…

Goal #1: Go to the dentist.
I hate the dentist. However, this year I am choosing to love the dentist and show off my smile a little more! I’m ashamed to say I haven’t been in 2+ years so I think it’s about time.
Goal #2: Revamp my closet.
In the past I have been known to shop online or in store with the intention of buying myself a new outfit or shoes, but come out only buying stuff for my kids! Let’s be honest, little girls are way more fun and easier to shop for. I sometimes have a hard time honing in on what my style is and staying up to date with the trends. This year I plan to gut out my wardrobe completely and find new timeless pieces that I love whether they are trendy or not! Some shirts I have had for over 5 years and I don’t feel that great when I wear them anymore. Not a very good confidence boost, is it?! Time for a wardrobe revamp!
Goal #3: Have a spa day.
Fun fact: I used to work at a spa. I loved it. I only worked at the front desk but I got to be a guinea pig to all the new treatments and products we brought in. Also, can we say ‘free samples’??? Ah I miss those days! I quit years ago and haven’t had a massage since. I plan on spending a day (probably as my mother’s day gift to myself) to go to the spa and receive as many treatments as our budget allows 😉 Sounds heavenly!!
Goal #4: Read, write, listen.
I’ve always used the excuse “I don’t have time” as the reason why I don’t read books. Not anymore! There is always time to do the things you love. Sure it might mean sacrificing a perfectly clean house or mindlessly scrolling social media…worth it? YES! I easily waste an hour on my phone after my kids have gone to bed every night. EVERY NIGHT! And doing what exactly? There isn’t much on Instagram that replenishes me. If I used that time to read a book, listen to a podcast, or write down my feelings from the day, I will feel so much better and accomplished!
Goal #5: Take a trip with my husband – no kids!!!
The idea of leaving my kids to take a trip freaks me out. We have never done it! I can count on one hand the number of times we have left our kids overnight and it was just for one night. During that time I missed them terribly and they are all we really talked about. Ha! I know time away with my husband is much needed especially now that we’re at the 7 year itch 😉 I think the time we spend away will be so good for our relationship and our kids will appreciate mom and dad a little more. I love our kids but I know this momma needs some one on one, no interruption time to date my boyfriend again!
I hope every mom out there knows it’s okay to take a step back and nourish your mind, body, spirit. There is no shame in being a little more selfish in order to feel ‘whole’. As a wife and mom I feel like I’m constantly giving, giving, giving with not much receiving back, but that’s because I’ve let it be that way!
Time for a refresh. 2019 is going to be wonderful year.