How to Beat the January Blues
January 8, 2018
The holidays have come and gone, and now you’re left with New Year’s resolutions that you may or may not have already broken. Ahem, cue the budget breaking shopping trip and bowl of ice cream every night…OOPS! With the combination of cold weather, trying to eat healthy and exercise, and getting back into the routine of school, work and responsibilities, January has always been a little on the gloomy side. I have come up with some tips and tricks to hopefully cure the blues until springtime blooms!
6 Ways to Beat the January Blues:
- Open up the blinds – If it’s too cold to get outside, open up the blinds and curtains to let light in. Seems too easy, right? Even on a dark, overcast day you can still let some brightness in your home. If you stay cooped up in a dark house, it is bound to make you feel down and depressed. I always start my day by opening all the shutters in every room of my house. It makes me happy.
- Get outside – yes even if that means wearing 4 layers to stay warm. Find an activity that gets you out of the house because cabin fever is real. I’m lucky enough to live in the desert where we get sunshine almost every day of the year. I’m trying to take advantage of every warm sunny day we get this winter because sunshine is so good for the soul.
- Plan a vacation – this is something I vowed to do this year after the worst January of all time that I experienced last year. It’s nice to have a trip, no matter how big or small, to look forward to. All through December we have so many activities and events to look forward to that January almost seems like a huge letdown. This year we’ve got a really fun trip planned that I can’t wait to experience and share more about!
- Eat well, but still indulge – I realize January is a month where we’re trying to make goals to stay healthy and be our best selves, which I totally agree with! If you feed your body wholesome foods you will definitely feel better and fight off the blues. Though, I still think it’s important to indulge in a few good treats to keep you going. Cutting out sugar cold turkey has never done me any good. I always give up on my healthy eating goals because if I break and eat a treat once, then I feel like it’s all over. Allow yourself some chocolate every now and then. As a mom, a secret chocolate stash is a necessity!
- Find a hobby or project – Read, sew, craft, start a new TV show, learn a new skill, research recipes, organize, de-clutter your closet, paint, rearrange furniture, etc…Sometimes a little change of pace is all you need to stay motivated and interested in what each new day brings. Your to-do list is probably a lot shorter with the holidays being over, so take advantage of it and do something you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t had the time.
- Add color to your home and/or wardrobe – I’ve linked some really cute and happy items below. It’s fun to change up your style every once in a while. Vibrant colors are sure to keep your mood bright and cheerful.
I hope these ideas are good reminders as you navigate through the month. It doesn’t have to be gloomy and depressing!
Happy January!