Mom Life Hacks
August 28, 2018
I’ve been a mom for 5 years now. It’s not a long time, but I sure have learned a lot in that short time; especially while juggling 3 small children over the last year! One thing I’ve learned is that there are shortcuts you can take that will make motherhood so much easier! Here are my top 5 mom life hacks that are sure to make your day-to-day “hardest job in the world” a little easier.
5 Mom Life Hacks:
1. Park next to a cart return.
LIFESAVER. Even if it means you have to walk a little further to get into the grocery store. Park next to one that already has a cart in it. That way, you can pile all your kids into the cart and not have to worry about anyone running towards an oncoming car or your arm falling off from carrying a heavy carseat. After shopping you can then unload your kids and groceries into the car and just return the cart right there. Easy peasy!
*Also, be sure to stop by the produce to get your kids a free piece of fruit, free slice of meat from the deli, or a free cookie from the bakery. Your kids will be happily eating in the cart while you shop!
2. Wake up and get ready BEFORE your kids wake up.
This one is hard for me and rarely happens, but when it does my day is fabulous! I’m happy to report during the first week of school, I did this every single day. I hope I can keep it up! It may be easier to just go without a shower and makeup, but I am much happier when I take the extra time on myself every day. I know that may sound vain, but if I just stayed in my pjs and makeup-less face all day, I usually just feel gross and lazy the rest of the day. Like I tell my ballet students who dread wearing their hair in a neat bun, if you look the part, you’ll dance the part. If I look and feel my best, I’ll put my best foot forward throughout the day!
3. Write Stuff Down!
Ahem, mom brain! In this generation with technology, it seems a lot easier to keep track of all events on your phone calendar. This might work great for some people, but for me, I remember things much easier if I physically write it down and see it on paper in front of me. I found this happy planner recently (similar one here) and instantly fell in love with it. It’s super cute which makes me want to actually use it! Things I’m going to write down in my planner weekly: kids school and extracurricular activities/carpools, dinner meal plans, cleaning schedule and shopping lists.
4. Make Time for Yourself.
With young kids at home, it’s difficult to squeeze in any “me time”. I’ve found that exercise, reading a book, or sewing are all things that I enjoy and that lift me up. Scrolling through instagram or watching trash TV are fun but they don’t boost me up as much. It’s important to find hobbies that you enjoy so you can give your kids your best self. It may seem selfish to step away from the home or household duties to do something you love, but it’s so important to keep your cup full. Most days around 3-4:00 I’ve had enough noise and chaos so I’ll turn on a movie and do something around the house for myself. No shame in using TV to get a little quiet time for mom!
5. Eat treats.
Everyone knows I love chocolate and I usually always have a hidden chocolate stash. Sometimes I eat cake for breakfast or ice cream late at night after the kids are finally in bed. It’s all good! Life is about finding balance and I believe a treat here and there is healthy for the body, mind and soul. You can’t go through life depriving yourself of the bakery’s sweetest joys. Mommy life is hard and if a little treat gives you a little pick-me-up then by all means indulge! Just remember to keep it on the down low around your kids if you aren’t wanting to spoil their dinner.
These smiling faces are the reason why I do what I do! At the end of the day, it’s all worth it.
Being a mom is the best!