Snacks for Disneyland
February 10, 2018
Everyone knows Disneyland ain’t cheap! Tickets to get in for a day of fun are pricey enough. It’s wise to save money where you can. The food in the park is fun and delicious but it can also be $$$$. I’ve put together this post with all my tried and true favorite snacks to save you time and money. My kids don’t even feel bad eating these over all the other advertised snacks in the park (though they are young and don’t notice as much, so I’ll take advantage of it while I can!). I try to keep my snack choices as healthy as possible for 2 reasons 1: so we will stay full longer and not crave more junk food and 2: we’ll most likely be sneaking in a couple of unhealthy treats because it’s Disneyland – YOLO! It’s important to try to balance those splurges with some healthier alternatives, too.
1. Kids Snacks for a Day in Disneyland
- Fruit: grapes, clementines, applesauce and packaged fruit cups all work amazingly. Just throw them in a small ice chest and add a few plastic spoons for the fruit cups if desired.
- Crackers: goldfish, peanut butter cracker sandwiches, and cheez-its
- Granola bars: my kids love the Nature Valley peanut bars
- Fruit snacks: a lifesaver for those tired and onry moments, because we all know they still happen even in the happiest place on earth!
- String cheese: small and easy to throw into the ice chest
- Juice box and miniature water bottles: way easier to manage than large water bottles and all a toddler needs for a quick refresher
- Snack pack: I found these “foodles” at Walmart and they are so fun! You can easily make your own by cutting up cheese, apples, and goldfish. I love that these come in mickey ear shapes along with mickey shaped goldfish. Favorite snack and healthy too!
2. Adult Snacks for a Day in Disneyland
- Fruit: apples, clementines, grapes and dried fruit
- String cheese
- Yogurt and granola: Noosa is my favorite. Pair it with the new Bear Naked chocolate granola bites and it’s HEAVEN!
- Pretzels
- Mixed Nuts
- Carrots
- Granola bars: KIND bars are our favorite
- Jerkey: perfect for fulfilling that protein needed for all the walking, pushing strollers and carrying kids around the park all day.
These snack ideas are great for any theme park, day at the zoo, or long road trips. Kids with their tummies full are much more pleasant to be around so don’t worry about over packing. You’ll most likely need more than you think! Check out my links below for some fun Disney themed items to throw in for your next trip!